Wednesday, April 02, 2008

90X Schedule For April

April is going to be a busy month. We're moving, which also involves getting both of our houses ready for rent and renting mine (Romney's is rented). This act involves purging a lot of stuff, purchasing some new stuff, and lots of yard work. Tuco's a little bitter about our lack of outside time but at least we're moving right next to the "best dog park in the Western US", which puts it in the running for best dog park worldwide, which is actually just an open space area with my wife to thank for the access (one of her gigs as the mayor's environmental advisor). Anyways, my point of the qualifier is that I'm only designing the first block of 90X to get me through the transitory month.

Like I said yesterday, we're starting off with a transition week. Then we get down to business--though, as Xers know, transition/recovery weeks often seem harder than the business weeks. The only goal this month is to finish it. Baby steps.

You may notice a switch back and forth between the Classic and Lean routines. This is to give a few atrophied areas (I lost a lot of muscle in India) a bit more recovery time and also put less strain on connective tissues. This is not the best plan for a grow curve if I were fit but it's a good compromise. I will also, most certainly, be doing some riding, running, and climbing as well which has been considered when planning for breakdown/recovery factor. Training beyond your ability to recover is silly, not to mention un-productive.

Week 1

W - Yoga X
T - Core Synergistics
F - Cardio X

Week 2

M - Chest & Back, ARX
T - Plyo
W - Shoulders & Arms, ARX
T - Yoga X
F - Legs & Back
S - Cardio X + something outside

Week 3

M - Core Syn
T - Cardio X
W - Legs & Back
T - Yoga X
F - Shoulders & Arms, ARX

Week 4

M - Chest & Back, ARX
T - Plyo
W - Shoulders & Arms, ARX
T - Yoga X
F - Legs & Back
S - Cardio X + something outside

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    we just got the kit this afternoon (or
    at least the email from ups says it's there) so we'll start tomorrow.

    where did you guys get a house (i'm assuming near tanner park)? anyway,
    good luck with the move, renting, living again, and all that. i'm
    swamped again with science but i need to get my fitness back so i'm
    committed to trying this p90x thing.

    thanks again for the motivation and once again, mazel tov on the
    marriage thing (it changes nothing but your taxes).

