Sunday, April 12, 2009

90-D Challenge: Who’s In?

I’m starting a new 90-day training cycle/challenge and want you all to join me. It’s not a body transformation challenge or any type of money-making scheme. It’s just an offer to provide some accountability while I engage in something that I do all of the time. So I’m throwing a little challenge out there to my friends to pick some sort of goal you’d like to achieve in the next three months. Then, together, we’ll help each other achieve it. It doesn’t need to be anything specific. It can be to improve a sport, lose weight, gain strength, lower your blood pressure, learn a language, do a birthday challenge or kick sand in the face of the bully down at the beach. All that matters is that it’s something that you can’t currently do so that you’ll have to change your current regimen in order to achieve it.

It’s not my idea, actually. Jon and Bryan down at the office have been brainstorming about how to make Beachbody the fittest business in the world. This isn’t for bragging rights. It came about through extension of all the customer success stories. These are infectious, and got Jon thinking about how to get more people involved; just because it’s cool. So what we’re going to try is essentially is the core of what works so well for Beachbody, straightforward motivation and accountability.

My part of the bargain is free online coaching. All you’ll have to do is ask your questions here and in a Message Board thread I’ll start once we get rolling. Remember that you can comment on this blog anonymously (so you can be shy). For the boards, you’ll need to sign up but it’s free.

Over on the boards we’ll do what we do for all our customers, offer fitness tips and diet advice. So you’ll have access to me, Denis Faye, and many of our best coaches. All I ask is that you keep the questions in public. I get too many private emails to answer individually, so board questions always get priority because no matter how individual you think your question is someone else will ask it as well. As unique as we are, fitness and nutrition questions tend to be similar. And I should know, since I’ve been answering them for thousands (millions, technically) of people for nearly a decade.

As for what to do, it’s all up to you. I blogged on a round of 90X last year—tweaked to aid my sports, as usual. Poking around this blog could give you some ideas (try clicking on different labels). And the TBB Message Board Photo Galleries are always inspiring. Or you could have a look at Birthday Challenge. But there’s almost certainly something that you’ve always wanted to do but never dared to commit to. And these are the challenges that are most worth doing because, in the end, having just made an attempt will change your life.

Details will roll out over the coming week. I think the official start date is April 27 but I’m starting tomorrow. Why not?

Oh, and you’ll have to check back to see exactly what I’m doing. All I’m sure about right now is that it’s going to be hard. What fun would it be if it weren’t?


  1. I'm so in, as for what I'm going to do, I'm not sure yet. Keep me posted, great idea.


  2. I'm in, too! I have so many vague goals and ideas in my head at any given time...time to focus and narrow it down to what's most important.

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Sounds like some fun. I'm in. The official start date sounds like it will be around the same time I start my second round of CLX...I definitely want to try and improve my cardiovascular health though.


  4. Steve, you are the MAN! I just finished a round of the X last Wednesday, and now here I am in the middle of my self-imposed recovery week contemplating my next goal. I've got a couple of ideas I'm tossing around - not sure how I'll mold them into a 90 day goal but I'll make it happen. Count me in!!

  5. I'm in too! I actually started my own 90 day challenge March 25th because I turn 40 June 27th and want to be in the best shape of my life for my 40th! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hmm, I seem to remember something about this from last year. I got fit, but I also got some elbow tendonitis (probably in part from years of climbing and some leftover issues). Since I just had a "sleep deprivation machine" I haven't been able to exercise as much as I would like. So, I think I'll join you again. I also have some sort of weird issue with my right knee and I think the training and the yoga and stretching might be good for it. I might have to take it easy on the plyo, but I can always substitute something else for that.

    As for a goal, maybe I can find some classic V5 to do or maybe a good cycling or trail running thing. I'll work on it.


  8. I wanna play too!! I think I'm gonna commit to learning a language. I've always wanted to become fluent in Italian and American Sign Language, so I think I'll do Italian for my first 90 days, since I've got a base in it. ...then 90 days later I'll start ASL =P

    Thanks for the motivation, Steve!

  9. Since I have back issue my stuff will be very abridged as well. But that just opens the door to learn new stuff.

  10. i blew it last year and this year with suzanne being way out of commission, i've gotten into the worst shape of my life (as opposed to last year's worst shape of my life)...i've gained 25 lbs since august and get winded walking on flat only goals would be get some of my fitness back and most of my fat off...count me in.


  11. Anonymous7:10 PM

    i stumbled on this site and i am hooked. my goal is to be able to run six miles non-stop. i can only do two right now.

  12. I'm in Steve! Got to think more about the goals and clarify them a bit. Then to come up with a plan! I'll be looking for the message board thread.

  13. I'm in, I'm in, I'm in.... tomorrow is earth day, my favorite day of the year and I'll be back with my challenge! :) sounds exciting, thanks for including me..


  14. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I'm in, this will be fun! Laura
