Friday, October 29, 2010

Return of Gadfly: The Inside Dope at Beachbody

We used to have a gossip column in our newsletters, written under the pseudonym of Gadfly. While I can’t promise to be bringing him (or her/it) back here at TSD my insanely busy schedule has dictated that I explain some of what’s been going on around the office because I’ve been too busy to write about anything else.

Let’s start with Asylum, which is on the top of the list because I’m going over the cueing on the final (yes, should be soon) round of edits. As soon as I check this off we’ll officially be on the final road to release. For you folks who just can’t get enough of Insanity I’ll just say this: that program is like a warm-up for Asylum.

And speaking of upping the ante, we’re into the nitty gritty of the Tony Horton One on One previews for MC2 (if you’re not getting these you might want to start now). Why I say this is that we’ve got a host of outside experts pushing Tony out of his comfort zone. Since Tony’s always pushing you out of yours it’s probably nice to hear that he’s human. What we’ve got on tap—all shooting in November—are three workouts that are far different than what you’ve seen before from Tony.

First we have a new Core/Synergistics where Tony teams up with his ski buddy/trainer extraordinaire Steve Holmsen. Tony’s been training with Steve for years for you’ve seen some of his handy work already but we’re looking at this one as the next level.

Next, we’ve taken a huge step in upgrading Kenpo X by signing on with some of the biggest names in martial arts to create what we’re calling MMX. I’ll wait to reveal the names but Tony’s actually nervous about working with them, and he’s not exactly the nervous type. Wow (inside joke on P90x development).

Finally we have PAP, which you’ve been hearing plenty about here. And while the real expert is Dr. Marcus Elliott I’ll be filling in for One on One since I’m the one who’s been working on transitioning this elite-level training to the masses.

Conversely, success of both Body Gospel and Brazil Butt Lift have starting to bring our old core (non X/Insanity/hard core) audience back and we’re making plans to offer more intro programs, including a revamped Power 90 (our first hit program) and a simple Debbie Siebers IPhone app program that should be out fairly soon.

Oh, and speaking of apps I almost forgot that thing that’s taking most of my time later: our new P90x app. Deciding we were a bit late to this market we’ve contracted the best app builder team on the planet and made it our top priority. These guys really know their stuff. Prepare to be blown away soon.

There's the alarm. Don't want to get caught gossiping. Actually, it's a meeting reminder for the app. Hmm, I didn’t even get to all of our news. Maybe we’ll have to re-enlist Gadfly as a full time correspondent.

karla mohtashemi-reese's pic is so typical: me working away, tony on TV. ha! btw, the coaches beat us (in dallas) and tony summed it up nicely: "your before pictures couldn't have done that!"


  1. Steve, I was excited to see you in the game. Nice form! Wish I could have caught up to you while we were there in Dallas. You continue to amaze and inspire me, and I am honored you used my picture in your blog! I can't WAIT to get committed to the Asylum, and MC2 has me chomping at the bit! WOO HOO!!


  2. You're in the one on one for January? Seems interesting...

  3. Great news! But I was hoping to hear something more about Beachbody coaching coming to Canada???!!!

  4. Hmmm, a workout that makes Tony nervous? Sounds like something I'd leap frog jump away from! I don't think you want to use that as a selling point.

  5. It's a TOTAL selling point! Nobody is good at everything at first. We need to keep expanding our horizons. Yoga used to make Tony nervous to teach, now he loves it and most would concur that he's quite good at it. The entire ideas around our programs is human development. If you just do what you're good at you'll never get any better. And our goal is to make you better.

  6. I have followed Tony and Beach Body for many years. At one time my wife and I took inbound calls for Beach Body infomercials. My daughter is doing P90X to get ready to be a wild land fire fighter. I am going to guide her to your blog. Thanks for your advice - my wife and I have been avid triathletes. For the last 5 years we have really been into tennis and recently qualified for the seniors national tournament in Houston, Tx in June. Do you have training for tennis? Thanks, David

  7. As a matter of fact the new Asylum workouts are going to be fantastic for tennis. The show's producer said to me, "my tennis is insane now." Not sure when we are releasing them. They are finished but we're now doing a test group. However, I think we'll release them prior to that.

  8. Steve, as a Beachbody lover and a tech enthusiast.....where is the app !!!

  9. We just finished the shoot of all the moves so it should be fairly soon.
