Monday, April 27, 2009

I Have A Pot

The rest of you is normal. Normal face, normal legs, normal hips, normal ass, but with a big, perfectly round pot belly.

Fabienne, Pulp Fiction

On return from a moveable feast across Europe I’ve grown a pot. My climbing and, hence, my goal for this program will stand a much better chance at realization if I lose it.

My fitness is okay. I was climbing grade 7s quickly in Europe, with pot. Sans pot, things should drastically improve.

The plan for the first two weeks will be as thus:

4 days a week of riding and/or running at aerobic pace (mainly) on an empty stomach, C workouts.

2 days per week of synergistic whole body exercising, B workouts.

3 days per week of climbing/climbing training, one A, two B workouts.

Week one will only avoid junk foods. Week two will be severely caloric restricted. Week three will be the start of another virtual Giro. Its plan will be determined later.

I’d also like to make a few improvements to this blog, with more added photo streams and video, as well as adding a lot of info targeted towards anyone doing a three month program.

For an analysis of A,B,& C workouts click here.

above: day one photo, with bruce, sportin’ the pot and looking the part of a craggin’ french baker.


Reedster said...

Don't flatter yourself. You have no pot. Doesn't mean you won't benefit from some serious dieting and such, but it certainly doesn't mean you have a pot.

I started today. It took me two trips out with the grommet to do it, but I got my 5 miles of hiking in.


Steve Edwards said...

I beg to differ. Romney pats me on it everyday. It's the biggest stomach I've had since you've known me, which is going on 20 years.

The rest of me is pretty good, though, so it should go pretty quickly, providing I stop having dreams like I did last night, when I was having the best Catalunyan stew ever. Now I'm starving. Coffee will have to do.

Steve Edwards said...

Nice job getting started. Getting into the routine is always the toughest. Hey, you should do a challenge this year like Greg Carter did with his kid. The grommet should be about perfect size to do a bunch of exercise with by then.

marc said...

you call that a pot? i have pots on top of each of my love handles, each with their own dietary needs and desires...i started this weekend: 5 mile hikes with the pups, core workouts in the am and actually hopped on the bike yesterday and got in a short but painful 12 mile ride...i turn 45 next week and have not aged well this past year.

"i'm sorry that i got fat. i will slim down." -wesley willis


p.s. thanks steve and reed for much needed motivation.